Student Support & Wellbeing 

Safety for Students

Australia is a generally a very safe and welcoming place to live and study. Details for when students first arrive in Australia which is located in Future Students.

At ASA we are committed to providing a holistic and supportive learning environment that promotes overall safety and wellbeing of every student.

As a student, it is important to look after yourself, stay safe and be aware of any potential risks that might exist and ways to minimise them.

Resources on staying safe are available on the NSW Police resources page support and wellbeing at ASA is available in the Student Support Framework and the Student Support, Wellbeing and Health Policy and Procedure located in Policies and Forms.

Campus, Safety and Security

ASA’s campus is located on Level 9 of 140 Elizabeth Street in Sydney.

The campus is fully accessible with lift access to campus and clearly displays signage to assist students with clear exit points on how to exit the building in case of an emergency.

ASA has fully trained first officers and emergency protocols to ensure a quick response to medical emergencies on campus.

We urge students to remain safe travelling to and from campus and especially out of regular opening hours or late at night. If you use public transport plan ahead on the best route to and from campus and wait in well-lit areas and near other people.

Around campus is the heart of Sydney CBD, with Hyde Park across the road and many cafes, convenience stores and shopping around the area.

At times this area of Sydney is known to experience large crowd protest marches. The right to freedom of political expression, including peaceful protests, is protected under the Australian constitution. We urge our students to remain safe during these events, do not get involved even if you agree with or support the demonstrators, resist the urge to take photographs or videos, and vacate the area as soon as it is safe to do so.

ASA provides resources, facilities, and infrastructure to support the student learning experience. The campus facilities includes classrooms, fast Wi-Fi for free student internet, a library for physical texts. There are kitchen facilities with tea and coffee facilities, bathrooms and a student lounge area. More details of ASA’s campus facilities and additional support to students are covered in ASA’s Orientation and can also be located in About ASA, Our Campus.


Student Orientation is a crucial step in kickstarting a student’s journey at ASA. It’s not just about becoming familiar with the campus; it’s an immersive experience designed to set the tone for a student’s journey at ASA. We believe in making the experience at ASA the best it can be, and Orientation is where the foundation for that is laid.
Orientation will be held one week before the study period starts and it is compulsory to attend. As well as important academic requirements, Orientation will cover important information including:

  • student support services available to students in the transition to life and study in a new environment;
  • legal services;
  • emergency and health services;
  • facilities and resources;
  • grievance, complaints and appeals processes;
  • any student visa condition relating to course progress as appropriate; and
  • the services students can access for information on their employment rights and conditions, and how to resolve workplace issues such as through the Fair Work Ombudsman.

Critical Incidents

A critical incident is a traumatic event which may cause students, staff, contractors, or visitors extreme physical and/or emotional distress connected to ASA’s business operations.

Some examples of critical incidents are:

  • missing students,
  • severe verbal or psychological aggression, threats or intimidation,
  • any death, serious injury, or acute illness (physical or mental) requiring emergency medical attention,
  • physical or sexual assault, serious harassment or domestic violence,
  • issues such as drug or alcohol abuse,
  • fire, explosion or bomb threat resulting in death, significant injury or significant property loss,
  • chemical, radiation or bio-hazard spillage,
  • a hold up or attempted robbery or other serious criminal incidents,
  • traffic collision resulting in serious injury or death,
  • confirmation of a serious infectious disease or virus,
  • storms or other natural disasters,
  • political or civil unrest,
  • threats or evidence indicating that any of the above may occur.

It is important to note that what is a critical incident for one person may not be a critical incident for another. Every critical incident is unique and will need to be dealt with differently and according to the needs of the people affected.

If you experience a critical incident, ASA must be notified immediately in order to coordinate the most appropriate incident response. The critical incident response coordinator is the Director Student Experience and can be contacted on 0437 130 616 (+61 437 130 616)

Cyber Safety

The cyber world is changing rapidly. We encourage students to stay safe in the online environment and be cautious about providing personal information over the phone or on the internet.  Students should beware of unexpected or unrequested visitors, callers, emails or “scammers”. Students should review online security settings regularly, set secure passwords and remain mindful of how much information is shared online through social media and other platforms. Important tips for improving your cyber security can be located here through the Australian Cyber Security Centre at

Important Contacts

Triple Zero (000) is Australia’s main emergency service number. You should call 000 if you need urgent help from police, fire or ambulance services.

If you experience a critical incident, contact ASA’s Critical incident response coordinator: Director Student Experience on 0437 130 616 (+61 437 130 616)

If you need general support at ASA, our Student Services team can point you in the right direction. Student services are located at ASA’s front counter immediately after the lifts on Level 9 or can be contacted on 1300 672 076 or emailed at

Wellbeing and Mental Health

ASA is committed to supporting students’ wellbeing and establishes fundamental values and beliefs promoting physical, mental, and emotional health and safety, as well as creating an environment that supports personal and academic growth.

ASA regularly advertises and runs a number of wellbeing initiatives to support students. Students are encouraged to attend events that are relevant to their needs. Ask the friendly Student Services staff for the next event!

ASA run Mental Health Awareness campaigns including workshops and seminars to raise awareness about mental health, inviting mental health professionals or advocates to speak on campus, and organising various events, activities, and informational sessions for Mental Health awareness.

ASA organises wellness challenges that promote healthy habits, such as step challenges, hydration challenges, or nutrition challenges.

ASA delivers wellness campaigns to inform students of risks and challenges and promoting a healthy way of life.

ASA provides Stress Management workshops covering mindfulness and time management workshops, as well as providing a safe and accessible area where students can relax and unwind.

ASA provides the following Mental Health Resources with a list of resources available in the Crisis Support, Emergency Contacts and resources page:

  • Crisis Intervention Resources – ASA provides information on crisis intervention resources, including contact details for local mental health crisis hotlines and support organisations.
  • Online Mental Health Resources – ASA offers information about online platforms and apps that provide mental health resources, self-help tools, and information on managing stress and anxiety.
  • Mental Health First Aid – ASA provides mental health first aid training to staff, enabling them to identify signs of distress and offer initial support.

In some cases, a student may require confidential assistance if their studies are impacted by:

  • a mental health condition;
  • a medical condition;
  • disability; and/or
  • carer responsibilities.

If students are experiencing personal difficulties that are affecting their safety and wellbeing, they can seek confidential support from ASA’s Wellbeing Officer at . If required, ASA can also refer you to a confidential counselling service if you require higher level counselling. The referral will be at no cost to you, the service is provided by University of Sydney and costs approximately $10.

For more information regarding Mental Health support, please refer to the Mental Health Framework in Policies and Forms

Important contact information can be located in the Crisis Support, Emergency Contacts and resources page.